台灣包車旅遊 Itaxigo 台湾包车旅游
1/6/2017 3:58 am
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我们公司提供机场接机、送机服务、台湾旅游观光、自由行包车旅游,我们公司提供高品质服务,让您更能体会到台湾人的热情,我们有专业的司机和各种不同的车款为您服务,除此之外,我们还提供免费的旅游谘询和安排参考行程服务。 / We provide simple and easy booking service for airport transfers, tours and private hire by the tours and excursions in Taiwan. Our goal is to provide the highest quality of service and exceed your expectations. Our transportation service is provided by professional drivers and a wide range of vehicles. We specialise in airport transfers, cruise port transfers, tours and excursions, but we can also organise executive transfers and private hire by the day tour. Toyota wish cars, minivans and buses are available for transfers as well as private hire at fixed and all inclusive .
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