Flushing 纽约招聘冻优格Frozen Yogurt 冰激凌店员经理
4/17/2014 11:45 pm
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Flora Sweet House 地处 法拉盛 Skyview Mall 黄金核心地段,即将盛大开业,本店 经营以Frozen Yogurt 和 Shaved Snow Flake为主的多种产品,现招聘店员若干,条件 要求 1 Preferred passed NYC Health Academy Classes and hold a certificate 2 Extremely clean and self motivated, able to do things quickly under pressure 3 Good Interpersonal Skill, like to introducing products, answering questions and giving customers good treatment 4 Keen on daily work including finding supplies, watch for the usage of ingredients and order for replenish in time 5 Very outspoken, passionate and easy to deal with 6 Able to handle 30 lbs boxes and willing to do all kinds of cleaning work. 6 Working experience in pastry/drink/dessert establishment Preferred 男女不限,有意者请发简历,一年内近照一张,联系电话和email到 flora # #换成@ 工作表现优异有机会提升为店堂经理 公司将择优联系面试